Student Trade Union

The Student Trade Union Organization of Azerbaijan Tourism University has been operating since September 30, 2008.

The Student Trade Union is a union of university students for the purpose of joint resolution of issues of improving the quality of student life. This form of self-management allows students to actively participate in the improvement of life at the university, to use its opportunities for development and self-realization.

THT operates in the following areas:

1. Legal assistance and education - THT's first task is to help every student to prevent his rights.

2. Educational and scientific work - the educational sector of the Student Union conducts research directly with the vice-rector on teaching process, lesson and exam schedules, the work of commissions on acceptance of tests and exams and many other aspects of education in universities.

3. Social security - referrals to sanatoriums, financial assistance, health care of students, organization of sports events, Donor Day and many other aspects of social work are among the activities of THT in the field of social security. .

4. Cultural and mass activities - THT carries out all entertainment events, as well as cultural and mass activities, which include trips to theaters, museums, cinemas and concerts.

5. Employment - The Student Trade Union obtains information about available vacancies and informs students in close cooperation with ATMU's Kayera department.

6. Organizational work - holding a meeting of the trade union committee, organizing new events, presenting trade union tickets, checking all protocols, etc. These are the works included in the scope of organizational works of THT.

7. Volunteering - THT participates in voluntary visits of young people to orphanages, assistance in organizing work with guests during various conferences and Olympiads, as well as volunteering in many other areas.

8. Work on representation of students' interests at different levels - Ensuring the participation of our activists in the events of the regional and All-Azerbaijan student coordination councils, as well as various student organizations, is one of the activities of THT.

Samir Abdullayev

Samir Abdullayev

Student Trade Union of Chairman

Yegana Abbasova

Yegana Abbasova

Secretary General

Cavidan Kabulzada

Cavidan Kabulzada

Press Secretary

Axundova Nermin

Axundova Nermin

Chairwoman of the Faculty of Business Administration

Yasemen Qasimova

Yasemen Qasimova

Chairwoman of the Faculty Social Management

Elshan Shekereliyev

Elshan Shekereliyev

Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Chairman

Huseynov Cahid

Huseynov Cahid

Deputy head of the Faculty of Business Administration

Elimova Chichak

Elimova Chichak

Deputy head of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

Agayev Saleh

Agayev Saleh

Public Relations Manager